Speaker Guidelines for the World Electronic Materials Conference

  1. Confirmation of Speaker Slot:
    • If you have been selected as a speaker, confirm your participation by the specified deadline. Your acceptance of the speaking engagement is crucial for session planning.
  2. Presentation Material Submission:
    • Prepare and submit your presentation materials, such as slides or documents, by the deadline provided by the conference organizers. Ensure that your materials adhere to any specified formats and guidelines.
  3. Presentation Content:
    • Craft your presentation content to align with the conference theme and relevant subtopics. Focus on delivering valuable insights and knowledge to the conference attendees.
  4. Time Management:
    • Respect the allocated time for your presentation. Ensure that your presentation fits within the specified time frame, including time for questions and discussion.
  5. Technical Rehearsal:
    • Participate in any technical rehearsals or sound checks arranged by the conference organizers to familiarize yourself with the presentation setup and technology.
  6. Visual Aids:
    • If using visual aids (e.g., slides), ensure they are clear and visually appealing. Test your presentation on the equipment provided to verify compatibility and visibility.
  7. Engagement with Attendees:
    • Be prepared to engage with the audience during the Q&A session following your presentation. Encourage questions and provide insightful responses.
  8. Biography and Introduction:
    • Provide a brief biography or introduction to be used by the session chair when introducing you. Ensure this information is informative and relevant to your presentation.
  9. Dress Code:
    • Dress professionally in accordance with the conference's dress code, which may vary depending on the event's formality.
  10. Co-Presenters:
    • If you are presenting with co-authors or co-presenters, coordinate with them to ensure a smooth and coherent presentation.
  11. Session Chair Interaction:
    • Collaborate with the session chair to facilitate the smooth running of your session. Be available for any coordination or instructions provided by the chair.
  12. Networking and Engagement:
    • Take advantage of networking opportunities during the conference to connect with other attendees and speakers. Share your insights and build professional relationships.
  13. Audiovisual Requirements:
    • Communicate any specific audiovisual requirements or equipment needs to the conference organizers well in advance to ensure a seamless presentation.
  14. Availability:
    • Be available to address inquiries from conference participants, whether during your presentation, at your poster, or during networking sessions.
  15. On-Time Arrival:
    • Please make sure to be in the meeting room on time, as the conference schedule may change slightly.
  16. Presentation Duration:
    • When you present, plan to speak for about 15-20 minutes to allow time for questions and introductions. Each speaker will have 25-30 minutes in total.
  17. Language:
    • Use English for your presentations.
  18. Presentation Format:
    • Your presentation should be in PDF or PowerPoint format. Ensure that your slides are clear and easy to read.
  19. Slide Submission:
    • Please submit your presentation slides 15 days before the conference. Also, bring a copy on a flash drive or storage device to the event.
  20. Technical Check:
    • Before your session starts, check that your presentation works properly.
  21. Equipment Usage:
    • The meeting room is equipped with a projector, screen, laptop, pointer, microphones, and a basic sound system. We recommend using the equipment provided. Using your own laptop is not recommended unless necessary.
  22. Compatibility:
    • If you use a Windows PC, make sure your presentation is compatible with the MAC system used at the lectern.

These guidelines will assist speakers in delivering successful presentations at the World Electronic Materials Conference and ensuring a seamless experience for both speakers and attendees.

Poster Guidelines for the World Electronic Materials Conference

  1. Poster Size and Orientation:
    • Your poster should conform to the specified size and orientation guidelines set by the conference organizers. For the World Electronic Materials Conference, the recommended size and orientation are [A0 Size and Portrait Orientation].
  2. Title and Author Information:
    • Place a clear and concise title at the top of the poster, followed by the names of the authors and their affiliations.
    • Ensure the font size is large and legible.
  3. Content Sections:
    • Organize your poster into sections: Introduction, Objectives, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. Maintain a logical flow of information.
  4. Visual Elements:
    • Utilize graphs, charts, tables, images, and diagrams to illustrate your research findings effectively.
    • Ensure all visual elements are clear and easily understandable.
  5. Text and Typography:
    • Use readable fonts with consistent styles throughout the poster.
    • Keep font sizes large enough to be legible from a reasonable viewing distance.
  6. Color Scheme:
    • Choose a harmonious and limited color palette that enhances the visual appeal of the poster.
    • Ensure that text stands out against the background.
  7. References:
    • Include a section for citing your sources, following a standard citation style for academic papers.
  8. Acknowledgments:
    • Recognize any funding sources, institutions, or individuals who supported your research.
  9. Layout:
    • Create a well-structured layout with a clear hierarchy of information.
    • Consider using columns or sections to divide content logically.
  10. Printing and Materials:
    • Prepare and print your poster before the conference as on-site printing services will not be available.
  11. Presenter Availability:
    • Be present at your poster throughout the entire poster session to engage with attendees, discuss your research, and address questions.
  12. Assigned Poster Numbers:
    • Clearly display the assigned poster number on your poster, as provided in the final program.
  13. Poster Placement and Setup:
    • Hang your poster on the assigned display one hour before the poster session begins. The necessary materials for hanging will be provided by the conference organizers.
  14. Poster Removal:
    • At the end of the poster session or the designated timeframe, promptly remove your poster from the display. Any posters left behind will be disposed of by the conference organizers.

Please remember to adapt these guidelines to the specific requirements and recommendations of the World Electronic Materials Conference in October 2024, as conference guidelines may vary. Following these guidelines will help you create a professional and impactful poster presentation.

Virtual Presentation Guidelines for the World Electronic Materials Conference

  1. Confirmation of Virtual Presentation Slot:
    • If you have been selected to deliver a virtual presentation, confirm your participation by the specified deadline. Your acceptance of the speaking engagement is crucial for session planning.
  2. Online Platform Familiarity:
    • Familiarize yourself with the virtual conference platform that will be used for your presentation. Ensure that you understand how to navigate and utilize its features.
  3. Technical Rehearsal:
    • Participate in any technical rehearsals or pre-conference practice sessions arranged by the conference organizers. This will help you become comfortable with the virtual environment.
  4. Presentation Content:
    • Craft your presentation content to align with the conference theme and relevant subtopics. Focus on delivering valuable insights and knowledge to the virtual audience.
  5. Time Management:
    • Respect the allocated time for your virtual presentation. Ensure that your presentation fits within the specified time frame, including time for questions and discussion.
  6. Visual Aids:
    • Prepare clear and visually engaging presentation materials, such as slides or documents. Ensure that they are easy to read and comprehend in a virtual format.
  7. Engagement with Virtual Audience:
    • Encourage virtual attendees to ask questions or provide feedback during your presentation. Be prepared to respond to inquiries in real-time, whether through chat or video conferencing features.
  8. Biography and Introduction:
    • Provide a brief biography or introduction to be used by the session host when introducing you. Ensure this information is informative and relevant to your presentation.
  9. Internet and Equipment Check:
    • Ensure a stable and reliable internet connection. Test your camera, microphone, and other equipment before your virtual presentation to avoid technical glitches.
  10. Dress and Background:
    • Dress professionally for your virtual presentation. Choose a background that is free from distractions and conveys a professional setting.
  11. Scheduling and Time Zones:
    • Confirm the timing of your virtual presentation and account for any time zone differences. Communicate this information clearly to virtual attendees.
  12. Recording and Accessibility:
    • Check if your presentation will be recorded and made accessible to attendees who may not be able to attend the live session. Ensure that you are comfortable with this arrangement.
  13. Audience Interaction:
    • Engage with virtual attendees by using interactive features provided by the virtual conference platform. This could include polls, Q&A sessions, and chat discussions.
  14. Network and Connection Backup:
    • Have a backup internet connection and a plan for what to do in case of a sudden network outage.
  15. Accessibility:
    • Ensure that your presentation materials and content are accessible to all, including those with disabilities. Provide captions or transcripts as needed.
  16. Feedback and Evaluation:
    • Welcome feedback and evaluations from virtual attendees and the conference organizers to enhance your virtual presentation skills for future events.
  17. Stay Informed:
    • Stay updated on any changes, announcements, or updates from the conference organizers, and ensure that you are well-informed about the virtual event's schedule and logistics.
  18. Virtual Presentation Benefits:
    • Virtual presentations let you present from your home or workplace without traveling.
  19. Meeting Invite:
    • We'll send registered participants a meeting invite with a user ID a few days before the event.
  20. Early Joining:
    • To avoid last-minute technical issues, please join the meeting 30 minutes early.
  21. Presentation Duration:
    • Plan your talk to last 17-19 minutes to allow time for questions. Each speaker gets 20-25 minutes in total.
  22. Presentation Ready:
    • Make sure your presentation is ready on your device when the meeting starts. You can share your screen to show your slides.
  23. Pre-recorded Presentation:
    • If you prefer, you can send a pre-recorded presentation instead of presenting live. Send your recorded files and PowerPoint presentation at least 10 days before the event.

These guidelines will help you prepare and deliver a successful virtual presentation at the World Electronic Materials Conference, contributing to a valuable and engaging conference experience for all virtual participants.

Certification Guidelines for the World Electronic Materials Conference

  1. Eligibility:
    • To be eligible for certification, you must be a registered participant of the World Electronic Materials Conference and fulfill all conference requirements.
  2. Attendance:
    • Attend all the mandatory sessions, presentations, and activities as specified in the conference program. Be punctual and actively engage in the conference.
  3. Session Participation:
    • If you are a presenter or speaker, deliver your presentation as scheduled and actively engage with the audience during Q&A sessions.
  4. Poster Presentation:
    • If you are presenting a poster, be available at your poster during the designated poster session and actively discuss your work with interested attendees.
  5. Virtual Attendance:
    • For virtual attendees, actively participate in the virtual conference sessions and adhere to the virtual presentation guidelines.
  6. Certificate Distribution:
    • Everyone attending the conference will receive a certificate. We'll print your name and affiliation as per our records. If you need changes or have special requests, please let us know at least a month before the conference.
  7. Certificate Collection:
    • Certificates will be provided during or after the session, so please stay until it ends to collect your certificate.
  8. E-certificates:
    • E-certificates will be emailed to you within 2-3 working days after the conference. Additionally, you can download your e-certificate from our website by scanning the QR code provided or visiting the designated website to track your submission and access your e-certificate.
  9. Co-Authors:
    • If your co-authors can't attend the conference, they won't receive a certificate. Certificates are typically issued to attendees who actively participate in the conference.
  10. Certification Validity:
    • The conference certificate will serve as evidence of your participation and presentation at the World Electronic Materials Conference. It may be used for professional and academic purposes and will remain valid as per the policies of the issuing organization.
  11. Certificate Replacement:
    • If you misplace your certificate or require a replacement, contact the conference organizers for assistance. Please note that additional fees may apply for certificate replacement.
  12. Feedback and Evaluation:
    • Provide feedback and complete any evaluation forms as requested by the conference organizers. Your input is valuable for the improvement of future conference events.
  13. Professional Conduct:
    • Maintain professional conduct throughout the conference, respecting the guidelines and policies of the conference and the venue. Any violations may result in disqualification for certification.
  14. Post-Conference Communication:
    • Stay updated on post-conference communications, announcements, and follow-up activities related to the conference and certification distribution.

These certification guidelines ensure that eligible participants receive recognition for their active and meaningful participation in the World Electronic Materials Conference and have convenient access to e-certificates through the provided QR code or website tracking system. Please follow these guidelines to secure your certification and make the most of your conference experience.

Networking and Collaboration Guidelines for the World Electronic Materials Conference

  1. Engage Actively:
    • Actively participate in networking opportunities, such as sessions, social events, and designated networking breaks. Be open to engaging with fellow attendees, speakers, and organizers.
  2. Respect Diversity:
    • Respect and appreciate the diversity of backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives among conference participants. Embrace the opportunity to connect with individuals from various parts of the world.
  3. Initiate Conversations:
    • Don't hesitate to initiate conversations with fellow attendees. Whether you are an experienced professional or a student, everyone's insights and experiences are valuable.
  4. Share Knowledge:
    • Be willing to share your knowledge and expertise with others. Contribute to meaningful discussions and offer insights that can benefit the community.
  5. Ask Questions:
    • Don't be afraid to ask questions or seek clarification during sessions or presentations. Engaging in discussions and seeking information can lead to valuable collaborations.
  6. Exchange Contact Information:
    • Exchange contact information with individuals you connect with during the conference. This can include email addresses, social media profiles, or professional networking platforms.
  7. Business Cards:
    • If you have business cards, bring them to the conference for easy information exchange. Likewise, accept and collect business cards from others.
  8. Collaborative Projects:
    • Explore potential collaborative projects or research initiatives with attendees who share your interests. Discuss the possibilities of working together on projects of mutual interest.
  9. Online Networking:
    • Utilize online networking platforms or apps provided by the conference to connect with fellow attendees before, during, and after the event.
  10. Professionalism:
    • Maintain professionalism and respect in all interactions. Networking is an opportunity to build positive relationships and enhance your professional reputation.
  11. Feedback and Input:
    • Provide constructive feedback and input during discussions, panels, and Q&A sessions. Your input can contribute to the development of ideas and solutions.
  12. Conference App or Website:
    • Use the official conference app or website to find information about attendees, schedule meetings, and access networking features.
  13. Follow-Up:
    • After the conference, follow up with individuals you've connected with to solidify relationships. Send thank-you emails or messages and express your interest in future collaborations.
  14. Professional Profiles:
    • Ensure that your professional profiles on platforms like LinkedIn are up-to-date and represent your expertise and experience accurately.
  15. Collaboration Opportunities:
    • Stay alert for opportunities to collaborate on research projects, publications, or professional endeavors. Share your ideas and seek partners who align with your goals.
  16. Attend Social Events:
    • Participate in social events or gatherings organized by the conference. These informal settings can provide excellent opportunities for networking.
  17. Be Inclusive:
    • Be inclusive and open to all who wish to engage with you. Foster a welcoming environment for networking and collaboration.
  18. Conference Follow-Up:
    • Stay connected with the conference community through official social media groups or forums. Continue discussions and collaborations beyond the conference.

Networking and collaboration are vital components of the World Electronic Materials Conference. Follow these guidelines to maximize your networking experience and explore opportunities for collaboration with like-minded professionals and researchers.

Workshop/Seminar Presenter Guidelines for the World Electronic Materials Conference

  1. Preparation and Planning:
    • Plan your workshop or seminar content well in advance. Clearly define your objectives, structure, and the key takeaways you want participants to gain.
  2. Content Relevance:
    • Ensure that your workshop or seminar content aligns with the conference theme and addresses relevant subtopics. This will enhance the value of your presentation to the participants.
  3. Materials and Handouts:
    • Prepare any necessary materials, handouts, or presentations that you will use during your workshop or seminar. These materials should be clear and well-organized.
  4. Interactive Elements:
    • Incorporate interactive elements into your presentation to engage participants actively. This can include discussions, group activities, Q&A sessions, or hands-on exercises.
  5. Time Management:
    • Stay within the allocated time for your workshop or seminar. Make sure to allow time for questions and discussions.
  6. Technical Requirements:
    • Communicate any specific technical requirements or equipment needs to the conference organizers well in advance to ensure a seamless presentation.
  7. Practice and Rehearsal:
    • Practice your workshop or seminar multiple times before the conference. This will help you refine your content and delivery.
  8. Participant Interaction:
    • Encourage participants to ask questions and actively participate in the discussion. Foster a collaborative learning environment.
  9. Supporting Materials:
    • Provide supporting materials or resources to participants for further reference or exploration of the topic.
  10. Accessibility:
    • Ensure that your workshop or seminar is accessible to all participants, including those with disabilities. Provide captions or transcripts if needed.
  11. Feedback Collection:
    • Collect feedback from participants at the end of your workshop or seminar. Use this input to assess the effectiveness of your presentation and make improvements for future sessions.
  12. Collaboration Opportunities:
    • Highlight opportunities for further collaboration or research initiatives related to the workshop or seminar topic. Encourage participants to explore these opportunities.
  13. Professionalism:
    • Maintain professionalism and respect in all interactions with participants. Address questions and concerns with courtesy and expertise.
  14. Conference Promotion:
    • Promote the conference and its related activities during your workshop or seminar. Encourage participants to attend other conference sessions and events.
  15. Follow-Up:
    • After your workshop or seminar, consider sending a follow-up message to participants, thanking them for their attendance and providing additional resources or information.
  16. Session Logistics:
    • Familiarize yourself with the logistical details of your session, including the room layout, equipment, and any support staff available to assist you.
  17. Adaptability:
    • Be prepared to adapt to unexpected situations or participant needs during your workshop or seminar. Flexibility is key to a successful presentation.
  18. Collaboration and Engagement:
    • Actively engage with participants during the conference and explore collaboration opportunities with those who share your research interests.

These presenter guidelines will help ensure that your workshop or seminar at the World Electronic Materials Conference is informative, engaging, and well-received by participants. Your contribution to the conference's educational program is valuable in fostering knowledge sharing and collaboration.

Code of Conduct

For a respectful and inclusive conference environment, we expect all participants, including attendees, speakers, sponsors, and volunteers, to adhere to the following code of conduct:

  1. Respect and Inclusivity: Treat all participants with respect and dignity, regardless of their background, identity, or perspectives.
  2. Harassment-Free Environment: Harassment and discrimination of any form, including but not limited to race, gender, religion, age, and disability, will not be tolerated.
  3. Safe Space: Create a safe and welcoming environment for all. Report any violations or concerns to conference organizers.
  4. Professional Conduct: Maintain professional and courteous behavior during conference sessions, discussions, and social interactions.
  5. No Intolerance: Avoid any language or actions that promote intolerance, hate, or harm towards any individual or group.
  6. Respect Privacy: Obtain consent before taking photos, recordings, or sharing personal information.
  7. Compliance: Comply with all conference policies and guidelines, including those regarding content sharing and interaction.
  8. Reporting: If you experience or witness any violations of this code of conduct, promptly report them to the conference organizers. They are here to help.
  9. Consequences: Violations of this code may result in warnings, expulsion from the conference, or legal actions as appropriate.
  10. Cultivate a Positive Environment: Promote a positive and collaborative atmosphere, where everyone can learn and share knowledge effectively.

By attending the conference, you agree to uphold and follow this code of conduct. We are committed to providing a respectful and inclusive environment for all participants.

Emergency Information

In case of an emergency during your stay in Singapore and at the Village Hotel Changi, please be aware of the following emergency guidelines and contact information:

Emergency Services in Singapore:

Nearest Hospital:

  • The closest hospital to the Village Hotel Changi is Changi General Hospital, located at Simei Street 3, Singapore 529889. It's approximately a 20-minute drive from the hotel.

Non-Emergency Medical Assistance:

  • If you require non-emergency medical assistance or medical advice, you can contact Singapore's Health Promotion Board at 1800-333-6666.

Fire Emergencies:

  • For fire emergencies in Singapore, dial 995 to reach the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) for assistance.

Traveler's Helpline:

  • If you encounter any travel-related issues, you can contact the Changi Contact Center at +65 6595 6868. They can assist with airport-related concerns and inquiries.

Emergency Exits at Village Hotel Changi:

  • Familiarize yourself with the locations of emergency exits at the hotel. These exits are marked with clear signage. In the event of a fire alarm or other emergencies, calmly make your way to the nearest exit.

First Aid Stations:

  • The hotel may have designated first aid stations or staff trained to provide basic medical assistance. If needed, inquire at the hotel's front desk for their location.

Hotel Emergency Contact:

  • For hotel-specific emergencies or assistance, contact the hotel's front desk or staff members who can provide guidance and support for issues within the hotel premises.

Emergency Assembly Points:

  • Be aware of the designated emergency assembly points at both the conference venue and the hotel. These areas are typically outdoors, where attendees should gather during evacuations.

Stay Informed:

  • In any emergency situation, stay informed through official sources, news channels, and notifications, and follow guidance from local authorities and conference staff.

Please prioritize safety and follow proper procedures in case of an emergency to ensure your well-being and the safety of others.